
Pen to paper for your eyes to enjoy

The Best Drabbles From Wicked Lit Wednesday

I’ve been doing Wicked Lit Wednesday on my Instagram feed for some time now, creating art inspired micro stories. At 100 words exactly, the correct term for each story is drabble, but don’t let nerd speak get in the way. They’re fast, fun and often dark and twisted. Here’s a selection of the best drabbles from Wicked Lit Wednesday for your reading pleasure.

Claudette - Best Drabble By Likes

Image by Akyut Aydogdu

Image by Akyut Aydogdu

Claudette walked into the salon with half hope, half dread. Hairdressers usually got things wrong with her. Too short, too long, too colourful, too flat. No one found the right balance.

She was told this one was different.

Claudette asked the lady for something shoulder-length and wavy. “Something… eye catching,” she added.

The hairdresser’s eyes shone. She cut, brushed, sculpted and dried. When she finished, Claudette gasped.

Her hair was the ocean, her face the sparkling shore - an always-moving swirl of movement.

Claudette beamed. “What do I owe you?” she asked.

The lady laughed. “Just your youth… And $80.”

This Wicked Lit Wednesday short story was inspired by the spectacular art of Aykut Aydogdu (@aykutmaykut). You can see more of his art at his website here.

The Dentist - Best Drabble By Comments

Image by Cedric Peyravernay:

Willem wanted his invention to be as close to human as possible.

Flesh coating, fluid body movement, emotional responses. That way they'd blend in seamlessly and better do their job. They were even programmed for etiquette.

The teeth were a special touch though. Metal pegs that looked like near-white enamel. An invisible diamond-tip. Perfect for tearing flesh. And bone.

Ideal for eating the corpses that would charge their bio-fuelled batteries.

When the war began, the enemy would be done for. A force already integrated into their society, ready to kill and never, ever die.

Yes. These teeth were just wonderful.

This Wicked Lit Wednesday micro story was inspired by the art of @cedricpeyravernay, found via the amazing @she_walks_softly. Check both their feeds for more.

Cyberpunk Encounter - Best Drabble (personal fave)

This broken thing looks like me. Or is it me who looks like it? I’ve changed so much it’s hard to tell anymore.

I stare into its lifeless face, looking for a sense of emotion. There’s no fear, no pity, no hope. Nothing. Just like me.

And yet, it reaches inside, feeling around, searching for some kind of spirit. Something to explain this connection we seem to have.

Maybe it’s a shared desire to be fixed. To be whole again. The same goal of all broken things.

Maybe we can find further purpose together. Me and this fractured, alien thing.

This Wicked Lit Wednesday Micro Story was inspired by the surreal art of Michael MacRae, found via @creepmachine on Instagram


For more drabbles dropped into your feed every Wednesday, check out my Instagram feed here.

Tim Hawken